About Us

The Project Coordination Unit (PCU) -physically located in the MOEHE - is established by the MOEHE to monitor and assist its World Bank funded projects. Accordingly, the PCU is responsible for fiduciary management of all projects funded by World Bank and being implemented at the MOEHE in both West Bank and Gaza. The PCU provides technical support to ensure that project activities are implemented in a timely and comprehensive manner.

The responsibility for overall oversight and monitoring on the implementation of the project procurement lies within the PCU, which acts as the Bank’s main counterpart for all procurement aspects of the project and ensures that procurement under the project is carried out in accordance with the Grant Agreement and the Procurement Plan.

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Contact Us
Projects Coordination Unit (PCU)
Ministry of Education and Higher Education
Curriculum Building- Al-Masyoun
Hanna Ajlouni street
Ramallah, West Bank
 +970 2 2969352 ,    +970 2 2969366     +970 2 2969369     
Gaza Coordination Office
Omar Al Mukhtar St.
Bsaiso Building
7th Floor
Gaza- Al Rimal
Telefax :  00970 8 2888280/2