Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
2016-12-19A: Thresholds for equipment depends on the grant window; if the applicant is applying in the technical production professional areas window then the threshold is 40% of the requested QIF grant value, if the applicant is applying in the business and humanities professional areas window then the threshold is 30% of the requested QIF grant value.
A: Technical-production professional areas, include health, construction related fields, engineering, mechatronics, architecture, autotronics, computer science, informatics, ICT related fields, agriculture, veterinary related fields, natural science (biology, chemistry, biotechnology), food industry and audiovisual media…etc. while Business and humanities professional areas include services (tourisms, hotel management, and food catering), accounting, finance, business administration (marketing, human resources, and social work), and journalism...etc.
A: Each tertiary education institute must secure in kind contribution as part of their share in the QIF grant. This in kind contribution can be an office space, communication cost, …etc. This in kind contribution should be well documented and appear in the project financial reports.
A: a private sector (PS) partner is considered a main key player in a QIF grant. The main purpose of this partnership is to keep constructive communications channels between the academia and employer which will lead to have more employable graduates who can easily fit in the market and fulfil its needs. Private sector partner is not allowed to receive direct funds from the QIF grants however PS can benefit from the different activities implemented during the project lifetime, i.e. participation in study tours to learn about models of similar partnerships being implemented in different parts of the world, receiving capacity building programs in the areas of mentorship, and other areas of interest to both parties of partnership.
A: The World Bank procurement and financial procedures will be implemented during the implementation of QIF grants. Accordingly TEIs are strongly encouraged to read these guidelines as stipulated in the QIF operational manual from the very beginning of the proposals preparation and afterwards.
A: This depends on the characteristics of each cycle mentioned in the concept note.