2012-03-19 The Education to Work Transition Project (E2WTP) is expected to have a positive impact on poverty reduction by facilitating the transition to work of young Palestinians and thus contributing to reducing some of the drivers of conflicts and to improved livelihood prospects and quality of life in WB&G. It would also contribute to the PA’s strategy for the development of a Palestinian TVET subsector aligned with the national development goals and the common vision for establishing a Palestinian State according to the 2009 plan.
E2WTP is fully consistent both with the current Bank Interim Strategy for West Bank and Gaza (FY08-FY10) and the one under preparation, which places an emphasis on reducing poverty and strengthening private sector development. By facilitating the transition of young Palestinians from education to work, E2WTP is expected to have a positive impact on poverty reduction, thus contributing to ameliorating some of the drivers of conflicts and leading to improved livelihood prospects and quality of life in WB&G.
The Project seeks to improve education to work transition of young Palestinians attending tertiary education institutions (TEIs) by: (i) fostering partnerships between TEIs and employers in order to make TEI study programs more relevant to the needs of the labor market; and (ii) enhancing the capacity of the MOEHE to collect, disseminate and use labor market data to monitor the outcomes of TEI study programs, and to inform education policy formulation and implementation.
Project Beneficiaries
The main beneficiaries of E2WTP are students and faculty members of participating TEIs. However, the project will also benefit TEIs as institutions and employers through improvement of study programs and teaching practices which in turn should facilitate for employers the hiring of better prepared workers.
PDO Level Results Indicators
Achievement of the PDO will be measured using the following indicators:
(a) Nine months after graduation, graduates from programs participating in E2WTP have a 10% lower unemployment rate than the 20 – 24 age group.
(b) The MOEHE produces at least one policy paper on TEI study programs using labor market information collected through the tracer study.
(c) After establishing partnerships with TEIs, employers of at least three different economic sectors provide skill practice places to TEI students.
(d) The tracer study information becomes available in MOEHE WEB site and is accessed regularly by education stakeholders.
(e) Increase in employers' perception of the relevance of participating programs.
(f) The curriculum, syllabus and teaching methods of at least five programs have been redesigned with full involvement of the private sector.
E2WTP consists of three components: (i) an education to work transition competitive grant facility to TEIs through the existing Quality Improvement Fund (QIF); (ii) a tertiary education graduate tracking system; and (iii) support for project management and coordination.
3. Component 3. Project Management and Coordination will be the responsibility of the MOEHE’s Project Coordination Unit (PCU).
This component will support: (i) consultants for the PCU; (ii) incremental operating costs; (iii) project monitoring and evaluation; and (iv) consultancy services to support awareness-raising and capacity building activities related to the promotion of TEI-employer partnerships.
The types of investments to be supported by E2WTP include:
(a) funds to finance innovative labor market relevant education programs that have strong partnerships with private sector businesses through QIF, including but not limited to centers for collaborative teaching, curriculum improvement in the areas of professional, entrepreneurial, general and life skills; teaching materials and equipment; teacher training and mentoring;
(b) international and local technical assistance and related consultancy services for capacity building of TEIs to form partnerships with private sector businesses;
(c) consultancy services for targeted research, data collection and program evaluation;
(d) awareness and information campaign, and dissemination of good practices; and
(e) fund management and project coordination.
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